The Real me: Online or Real life?

We have discussed that social media is growing worldwide, and many people are using social media. But is social media that sociable?

Due to the advancement of social media, we have come to a point when we wonder whether online personalities or real life personalities are more true to of what we are. So which is the real me; online or real life?

The online me

Not everyone is 100% true of what they are online. This could be because

  1. Stalkers and scammers create false personalities to stalk or scam people
  2. Jokers make fake accounts to prank people.
  3. Many are aware of the dangers of the internet, and people from point 1 and 2, so they may not share 100% of their life and may hide or twig small details of themselves to minimize their chance of falling into prey of scammers or stalkers. So some may be more conservative online than in person.

    What we are online may not be what we actually are in person

    What we are online may not be what we actually are in person

  4. Shy introverts may not be comfortable presenting themselves in real life, so they may express themselves more online, contradicting people in point 3.
  5. They trust the physical people around them, like friends in real life and family more important as they are there for us physically when we need and it shows care and concern. Whereas online, the online ‘friend’ may not always be there for us. Therefore we tend to open up more in person than online.

The real me

Not everyone’s personalities could be 100% true of what they truly are inside. This could be because

  1. Just like point 4 that was mentioned above, introverts may not be comfortable presenting themselves to other in person, but behind the screen.
  2. Many people hold back their opinions, feelings, or a piece of their personality because they are afraid of being judge since in person, we judge easily by actions, tone and body language.
  3. Even in real life, scammers and manipulators exist and people can act and pretend to achieve a desired goal, whether good or bad.

So are you, the true you, online or in real life? Let us know by commenting!

Thank you for reading!


J & A